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Filco centred around modernising the business to stay competitive in an evolving retail landscape. Matthew Hunt (Director) aimed to improve operational efficiency, enhance the customer experience, and future-proof the company against industry challenges like rising costs and the need for sustainability. The outdated hardware and software systems Filco was using were no longer adequate for meeting these goals. This drove Matthew to install Henderson Technology’s EDGEPoS, as it offered the flexibility, automation, and unique selling points—such as hybrid self-checkouts, loyalty scheme integration, and electronic shelf labels—that aligned perfectly with his vision for a more efficient, customer-focused, and future-ready retail operation.


  • System Modernisation: Replaced outdated hardware and software with EDGEPoS.
  • Automation: Automated pricing updates and marketing through ESELs.
  • Operational Flexibility: Mobile units and printers enable on-floor staff efficiency.


At a glance

  • Improved Efficiency
    Automation and streamlined processes that enables staff to utilise hours in other areas of the store that need it most.
  • Customer Loyalty
    Integrated loyalty schemes have gained a competitive advantage through boosting loyalty, leading to the retention of Filco customers.
  • Enhanced Checkout.
    Hybrid self-checkout solutions improve speed and reduce staff workload due to the checkout experience being more efficient and user-friendly.
  • EDGEPoS Solutions used
    EDGEPoS Retail logo EDGEPoS ESELs logo

Matthew Hunt
Director, Filco.

“Henderson is the best in class for
front facing application. The
integrations are very impressive
which allows you to future-proof your
business in an environment where
cost pressures are getting harder to

Filco Adopts EDGEPoS and ESELs for Improved Retail Experience

Filco, founded in 1946, started as a small, independent retailer, operating from the front room of a house. In the 1960s, the business joined the SPAR network, becoming the first self-service supermarket in Wales. Filco continued to grow and later rebranding under its current name towards the end of the 1990s. The business is now overseen by Matthew Hunt, who has been with the company since 2005, continuing to drive its success.

The Motivation to Upgrade

Filco recognised the need to modernise both its hardware and
software systems, which had become outdated and inefficient. The existing setup was no longer fit for purpose and required significant investment to keep up with industry developments.

After exploring the market and discussing options with various providers, Filco was drawn to Henderson Technology’s EDGEPoS
system, which offered unique selling points (USPs) that stood out from the competition. A key reason for choosing EDGEPoS was its integration with loyalty schemes and partners like Gander, alongside its hybrid Self-Checkout (SCO) solutions.

Filco also valued the transparency of their discussions with Henderson Technology, which fostered confidence throughout the process.

Challenges and Solutions

Before implementing EDGEPoS, Filco faced several challenges with their previous system. The hardware was failing, and the software lacked the support and future-proofing necessary for a fast-evolving retail environment. Additionally, the system
they were using did not support automation, an essential feature for modern retail operations. By adopting EDGEPoS, Filco benefited from enhanced flexibility and automation.

The integration of Electronic Shelf Labels (ESELs) was particularly impactful, offering the ability to update pricing and marketing displays quickly and easily. This technology also significantly reduced paper wastage, contributing to sustainability goals.

Implementation Process

The rollout of the EDGEPoS system was thorough and well-supported. Filco’s staff received extensive training over six weeks, with on-site support from Monday to Thursday. The implementation of ESELs, on the other hand, was remarkably
straightforward, requiring minimal training due to the intuitive nature of the technology.

Key Features and Benefits

Several aspects of the EDGEPoS system have proven beneficial to Filco’s operations. The loyalty scheme, for instance, has been a
significant driver in boosting customer retention. The system displays loyalty points to customers, encouraging repeat business. Filco has also appreciated the hybrid SCOs, which have allowed staff to focus on other tasks while customers enjoy a quicker checkout experience.

Additionally, the waste reporting feature of EDGEPoS has helped Filco to identify inefficiencies in stock management, reducing unnecessary waste and enabling better decision-making around future orders. The hand-held units and mobile printers provided by EDGEPoS have also streamlined operations, allowing staff to remain on the shop floor while performing essential tasks.

Impact on Operations

Since implementing EDGEPoS and ESELs, Filco has seen significant improvements in operational efficiency and customer
satisfaction. The electronic shelf edge labels have impressed customers, while staff have adapted well to the new technology, with many appreciating the reduction in manual
tasks and paper usage. Matthew is confident that the technology
has contributed to the overall success of their stores. The EDGEPoS system is now a key part of their retail strategy, helping them to remain competitive in a challenging market.

Looking Ahead

Filco is keen to continue investing in digital solutions to enhance the customer experience further. The company is currently evaluating full integration with ESELs and considering adopting Henderson Technology’s future digital media screens,
which could offer additional marketing opportunities and draw further customer attention.


Matthew Hunt, Director at Filco, summarises the impact of the EDGEPoS system on
the business:
“Henderson Technology is best in class for front-facing applications. The
integrations are impressive, allowing you to future-proof your business in an
environment where cost pressures are becoming harder to navigate.”
Through its partnership with Henderson Technology, Filco has not only improved its
operational efficiency but also positioned itself to meet the future demands of the
retail industry.

Book a Discovery Call with our EPOS Experts

Ready? Let’s get started.

EDGEPoS is available as a monthly software fee, taking out the initial outlay cost of investing in new Software. It is quoted per lane, per month.

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